Re: Using Cayenne with RCP and Birt?

From: Laurent Marchal (
Date: Wed Nov 26 2008 - 06:37:46 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Object Caching in 1.2"

    If you write an ODA driver to integrate Cayenne with BIRT, It would be a
    really nice contribution ! I am really interrested in this, so keep us
    in touch if you do something !


    Lawrence Gerstley wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I definitely agree that BIRT+JDBC is nice and simple, and it's really
    > a joy to get started with. The problem is one of generalization: I've
    > spent all of this time using Cayenne to abstract from the physical
    > database, and I only want to do that once. My application can now
    > smoothly move between Oracle, MySQL, and Apache Derby, and Cayenne has
    > work better than I expected to accomplish this. Now, I want to
    > leverage that work so that my reporting can be platform independent as
    > well. Of course, the JDBC connection could be configurable as well,
    > but that's much more opportunity for something to go wrong. The
    > Hibernate example may take me a long way in understanding what to
    > do--thanks for the link!
    > Lawrence
    > On Nov 25, 2008, at 2:03 AM, Laurent Marchal wrote:
    >> Hello,
    >> I am sucessfully using cayenne in a big eclipse RCP application (25
    >> plugins), we use BIRT chart library to programmatically create
    >> dynamic charts, and we are also integrating some BIRT reports into
    >> the RCP.
    >> I don't know exaclty what you want to do, but BIRT can't use Cayenne
    >> directly (you will have to develop an ODA driver to bridge the two),
    >> it's possible but i don't see the utility, BIRT + JDBC is pretty nice
    >> and simple.
    >> You can see an example of BIRT using hibernate as data source here :
    >> Cheers.
    >> Laurent Marchal
    >> Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>> Hi Lawrence,
    >>> Don't recall BIRT being mentioned on this list. You could be the
    >>> first one to try it (?)
    >>> Andrus
    >>> On Nov 25, 2008, at 3:02 AM, Lawrence Gerstley wrote:
    >>>> Hello,
    >>>> I've been using Cayenne with great success in making a variety of
    >>>> RCP applications. I'm trying to integrate in BIRT to these
    >>>> applications now, and want to do so without separately specifying
    >>>> JDBC mappings just for BIRT. Has anyone integrated the two
    >>>> together? Especially inside of RCP, but outside would work as well.
    >>>> Any snippets would be greatly appreciated.
    >>>> Many Thanks,
    >>>> Lawrence

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