Re: Cayenne with JGroups replication

From: Tore Halset (
Date: Tue Dec 23 2008 - 13:50:07 EST

  • Next message: Pirola Davide: "RE: Cayenne with JGroups replication"


    Cayenne uses jgroups to synchronize the caches. Use ha-jdbc or sequoia
    to sync the databases.

      - Tore.

    On Dec 23, 2008, at 16:39, Pirola Davide <>

    > Hi,
    > i'm developing a web application that need to store some data.
    > For some reasons i can't have a database installed on a cluster, so
    > I inted to use Apache Derby (Java DB embedded in the JDK 6.0).
    > The main issue is due to the fact that i have 2 front end server so
    > I need to synchronize the data stored in the 2 instance of the Derby
    > database.
    > My idea is to use JGroups to permit to the servers to communicate in
    > multicast way and manually realize the synchronization.
    > Whit a great surprise I found this article in the Cayenne manual:
    > so cayenne already perform this kind of job?
    > Where I can find some documentation or example about it?
    > This solution can be used in production with a high traffic web site?
    > Thanks
    > Davide
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