Pre-persist not firing

From: John Armstrong (
Date: Tue Dec 30 2008 - 11:02:37 EST

This is really basic but I am a bit sick and am just not finding my
answer (thats my excuse, sick..)

In my map I have this (generated via M5 Modeler):

       <obj-entity name="Company" className="com.printgate.model.Company"
               <obj-attribute name="companyid" type="java.lang.String"
               <obj-attribute name="isactive" type="boolean"
               <pre-persist method-name="generateCompanyID"/>

In my com.printgate.model.Company object I have this method:

       public void generateCompanyID(){
               System.out.println("In generate");

I call it like this :

       public BigTest(){
               context = DataContext.createDataContext();
               theCompany = (Company)

The object is created in the datastore but my pre-persist never fires.

This is M5. I also rolled back to M4 with the same problem so I am
sure its something obvious that i am missing in how I wire it all
together (although it does work in another project I have).


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