Re: How to Split Tables

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Apr 14 2009 - 02:14:29 EDT

  • Next message: Weddle, Anthony: "RE: How to Split Tables"

    > Can this kind of set up be handled in Cayenne?


    > It looks like multiple data maps could be used for a single data
    > node but can one data map be
    > used in multiple nodes, multiple domains or multiple projects?

    Yes, you just need to configure it in cayenne.xml. One possible
    solution is to map all three DataMaps in a single Cayenne project, and
    then swap cayenne.xml when assembling your project to a system-
    specific one.

    > Can one have relationships between entities in different maps?

    Yes, within a DataDomain.


    On Apr 14, 2009, at 2:20 AM, Weddle, Anthony wrote:

    > We have two systems that have very similar database schemas. They are
    > not completely identical, however. To deal with this, currently, with
    > Hibernate, we have a set of common definitions (and classes), and a
    > separate set of definitions (and classes) for each specific system.
    > Hibernate can be configured with two configurations, each adding to
    > the
    > other, for each system (the common configuration and the system
    > specific
    > configuration). The common classes are in the classpath for each
    > system.
    > Classes are generated with Middlegen (a separate generation has to be
    > done for each system, with the common classes coming from the classes
    > generated for one of the systems (always the same one).
    > Can this kind of set up be handled in Cayenne? It looks like multiple
    > data maps could be used for a single data node but can one data map be
    > used in multiple nodes, multiple domains or multiple projects? Can one
    > have relationships between entities in different maps?
    > Tony

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