Re: Easily Import/Export tables

From: open.pumpkin (
Date: Tue Sep 08 2009 - 03:24:04 EDT

  • Next message: Arnaud Garcia: "Re: DataContext cache WICKET"

    Thanks for reply.

    I'm considering the ant method but I have a problem and some questions.

    Here the error I receive during execution of my ant script :
    Buildfile: build.xml

    [cdataport] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
    [cdataport] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    [cdataport] Porting from 'Dev_WKN_Node' to 'Local_WKN_Node'.

    /path/toMy/build.xml:20: Error porting data: null

    Here my build.xml :
    <project name="name of project" default="exportTask" basedir=".">

        <path id="classpath">
            <fileset dir="/home/myUser">
                <include name="cayenne-tools-3.0.jar" />
                <include name="cayenne-server-3.0.jar" />
                <include name="vpp-2.2.1.jar" />
                <include name="**/*.jar" />

        <taskdef name="cdataport"
            <classpath refid="classpath" />

        <target name="exportTask">
                srcNode="Dev_WKN_Node" destNode="Local_WKN_Node" />


    Line #20 is : srcNode="Dev_WKN_Node" destNode="Local_WKN_Node" />
    Connections to databases are correct (if I stop one DB, I receive a
    Connection refused exception). Node names are correct. But I'm not familiar
    with ant.
    Can you enlighten me?

    Now some general questions :
    When using the ant method to export DB data, ID's are kept identical in
    different DB's ? Or, if they change, the foreign keys are automatically
    mapped with new ID's ? If not, then this method does not interest me.


    2009/9/7 Andrus Adamchik <>

    > Hi there,
    > Cayenne may not have built in data migration tools that would fit every
    > scenario, although there's been some attempts to write them [1]. At the same
    > time Cayenne is a good *platform* for writing such tools based on either
    > objects (de)serialization, or direct migration [1], and less so for
    > SQL-based migrations (although that's also possible).
    > Note on the XML approach... Current XML (de)serialization API [2] is too
    > raw for my liking, but coincidentally last week I started writing a tool
    > based on XStream [3] to serialize designated object subgraphs (subsets of a
    > large DB defined based on some rules), with the goal of loading that data to
    > another DB or back to the same DB (i.e. cloning). The code turned out to be
    > pretty simple and powerful. It can handle databases of practically any size,
    > and define subgraph scope in terms of mapped relationships. Not yet sure if
    > that becomes open source though.
    > Finally if your export/import rules are something simple (e.g. "transfer
    > the entire DB"), I'd strongly suggest to investigate dump/load tools
    > provided by your database. All of the major DB's have them. This may save
    > you from reinventing the wheel.
    > Cheers,
    > Andrus
    > [1]
    > [2]
    > [3]
    > On Sep 7, 2009, at 5:07 AM, open.pumpkin wrote:
    > Hello,
    >> Is it possible to export tables using a dedicated cayenne function ?
    >> I would like to export one or more tables (and data), specified by the
    >> user
    >> of my application, to import them in another environment (for example from
    >> development to production).
    >> The ideal thing would be a SQL script generated by cayenne, independant of
    >> databases and cayenne (I could use it with Mysql query browser, for
    >> example).
    >> Else, using serialization of cayenne objects ?
    >> Or another possibility ?
    >> The interest is to not manually write SELECT and UPDATE statements.
    >> Thanx.
    >> O.P.

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