Re: Memory Management using Tomcat

From: Joe Baldwin (
Date: Thu Sep 17 2009 - 10:22:53 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Memory Management using Tomcat"


    > 2) The BaseContext (which is really a DataContext) will stay around as
    > long as the session does. I suppose you could always bind a new
    > context to the thread (to allow the old one to GC) or you could
    > invalidate objects when you are done using them. However, given that
    > you said you are reading in relatively few records, this may not be a
    > big win.

    Sorry I mislead you on this one. Even for one or two users (the
    current usage until we go live), the query result sets are returning
    about 500 products, but we anticipate scaling to 5000 in the future.
    We are only updating about 5 every day (I say this because there was a
    mention of this in the docs concerning BaseContext memory management.)

    Also, each Product has a list of Photo references (file system paths),
    Audio references, and Video references. But I think these do not trip
    the fault until they are actually viewed (if I understand the docs).

    RE bind a new context to a thread

    I do not want to do this if this is not your normal procedure. The
    problem for the customer part is that I don't know exactly where they
    get a session and so this could make things more complex.

    > 3) Once your session is gone, it would be hard to message the
    > context since it is also gone.

    Well now that is a good point. :) Again, I was under the impression
    that the default behavior was to have only *one* BaseContext
    (DataContext) per application. But you are saying that each session
    gets a new BaseContext.

    If that is true then wouldn't all the Data Objects fetched via that
    context be released at the end of the session? If this is true then
    my analysis is *ALL* wrong. If the BaseContext goes away at the end
    of each session, and if the DataObjects go away with it, then the
    problem lies only within the session.

    Do I have this logic correct or did I misunderstand you?


    On Sep 17, 2009, at 9:58 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:

    > 1) DataContext dc = (DataContext) BaseContext.getThreadObjectContext
    > ();
    > 2) The BaseContext (which is really a DataContext) will stay around as
    > long as the session does. I suppose you could always bind a new
    > context to the thread (to allow the old one to GC) or you could
    > invalidate objects when you are done using them. However, given that
    > you said you are reading in relatively few records, this may not be a
    > big win.
    > 3) Once your session is gone, it would be hard to message the context
    > since it is also gone.
    > On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 9:42 AM, Joe Baldwin
    > <> wrote:
    >> Michael,
    >> I just checked my web.xml and it appears am using the same filter
    >> <!-- Cayenne -->
    >> <context-param>
    >> <param-name>cayenne.configuration.path</param-name>
    >> <param-value>/WEB-INF/config/cayenne-files</param-value>
    >> </context-param>
    >> <filter>
    >> <filter-name>CayenneFilter</filter-name>
    >> <filter-class>org.apache.cayenne.conf.WebApplicationContextFilter</
    >> filter-class>
    >> </filter>
    >> <filter-mapping>
    >> <filter-name>CayenneFilter</filter-name>
    >> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
    >> </filter-mapping>
    >> In the code I am accessing the BaseContext via the following call:
    >> ObjectContext oc = BaseContext.getThreadObjectContext();
    >> So, unless I have misread, it appears we are using almost exactly
    >> the same
    >> code.
    >> Questions:
    >> 1. I am not sure what you mean by "you could do a cast there".
    >> 2. Should I release this BaseContext and create a new one (as has
    >> been
    >> suggested) or should I simple rely on the BaseContext to manage the
    >> memory?
    >> 3. Is there some way to message the BaseContext to determine if it
    >> has
    >> properly released memory after a session is complete?
    >> Thanks,
    >> Joe
    >> On Sep 17, 2009, at 9:18 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    >>> Hi Joe,
    >>> The fact that you are seeing a spike with 50-100 concurrent users
    >>> doesn't surprise me. After your sessions timeout, the memory usage
    >>> goes back down. This seems expected to me.
    >>> As for my session-based filter, I'm pretty much using what Cayenne
    >>> provides. In my web.xml file for the servlet engine (Tomcat in your
    >>> case), I have:
    >>> <filter>
    >>> <filter-name>Cayenne Filter</filter-name>
    >>> <filter-class>org.apache.cayenne.conf.WebApplicationContextFilter</
    >>> filter-class>
    >>> </filter>
    >>> <filter-mapping>
    >>> <filter-name>Cayenne Filter</filter-name>
    >>> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
    >>> </filter-mapping>
    >>> To get your context after that:
    >>> private ObjectContext objectContext =
    >>> BaseContext.getThreadObjectContext();
    >>> I think the filter actually creates a DataContext, so you could do
    >>> a cast
    >>> there.

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