Re: Determining modified attribute values

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Thu Sep 17 2009 - 15:17:57 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Determining modified attribute values"

    Hi Dave,

    As far as I remember, GraphDiff API is currently closed. If you need to
    oversee changes during preUpdate(), try to get old values from cached
    DataRow snapshot =
    String oldValue = (String) snapshot.get("FILENAME");

    2009/9/17 Dave Lamy <>

    > Forgive me if this has already been hashed out, but my google-foo isn't
    > working well today.
    > I have a case where, upon saving a persistent object with a modified
    > attribute value, I need to perform a file migration. The trick is that I
    > need to know both the previous and new values of the attribute in question.
    > I presume that Cayenne is tracking these old/new values in the GraphManager
    > in order to determine which columns to update. So, what is the best way
    > for
    > me to access this changeset?
    > Thanks for the help--
    > Dave


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