Re: Query Cache and DataDomain Snap Shot Cache

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Sep 23 2009 - 09:51:34 EDT

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: Query Cache and DataDomain Snap Shot Cache"

    You are correct - flushing query cache groups across the cluster with
    JGroups (or something else) is a low overhead way to propagate
    updates. My usual setup is to have post-update/remove/persist
    listeners generate a distributed event with a cache group appropriate
    for the object being saved. This allows to define flush granularity at
    any level desired.

    I don't have JGroups config specifically restricted to localhost,
    however I haven't seen any problems with network flooding with mine.
    Unless you also have some security considerations, you can use
    something like that:



    On Sep 23, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Malcolm Edgar wrote:
    > Hi All,
    > I am looking to improve the performance of a set of web applications
    > running. We have one application which is used mainly for
    > adminsitration/configuration and a number of public facing web
    > applications
    > which can have a high load.
    > I have been experimenting with OSCache but the problem I see is that
    > the
    > query cache and the object cache are not unified, so I sometimes have
    > situations where the objects from the caches are not consistent.
    > While the
    > query cache can timeout, the object cache doesn't, so if another web
    > application makes an update the object cache in this application is
    > not
    > updated.
    > I presume the answer to this problem is using JGroups, if so does
    > anyone
    > have a configuration where its constrained to localhost. I don't
    > really want
    > to be broadcasting notification messages across the network.
    > regards Malcolm Edgar

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