Re: Object Caching

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Fri Nov 13 2009 - 09:37:57 EST

  • Next message: Hans Pikkemaat: "Re: Object Caching"

    Not just Cayenne, Hans. No ORM efficiently handles the scale you are
    talking about. You need to find a way to break your query down into
    smaller chunks to process. What you are doing might be workable with
    50k records, but not 2.5m. Find a way to break your query down into
    smaller units to process or explore what Andrus suggested with

    If you can loop over one record at a time and process it (thereby
    letting the garbage collector clean out the ones you have processed)
    then your memory usage should be somewhat stable and manageable, even
    if the initial query time takes a while.


    On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Hans Pikkemaat
    <> wrote:
    > Anyway, my conclusion is indeed: don't use cayenne for large query
    > processing.

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