Re: Using Postgresql's table inheritance or other advanced DDL

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Tue Feb 09 2010 - 09:15:10 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "[OT] Cayenne Twitter"

    On 10/02/10 1:03 AM, Eric Lazarus wrote:
    > Folks:
    > We are building a complex object model
    > where there are a bunch of types and sub types and we are considering
    > using Postgresql's table inheritance (see:
    > )
    > Does anyone have actual product
    > deployment experience with building a system that uses Apache Cayenne
    > on top of tables that were built using Postgresql's table inheritance
    > capability?
    > How could we get the table inheritance
    > to be reflected as object inheritance in the cayenne data objects.
    > What problems are associated with this.

    I'd be very surprised if you were able to make that work. Cayenne would think the two tables are completely different and would not be able to know that they contain overlapping objects. You are then liable to run into all sorts of problems modifying the same object twice, dealing with caches, etc

    Is there a reason you aren't using inheritance from Cayenne itself? For horizontal and single-table inheritance that works very nicely.


    Aristedes Maniatis
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