Re: Merging Configuration from Multiple Deployment Units

From: Borut Bolčina (
Date: Sat Feb 13 2010 - 08:05:00 EST

  • Next message: Nishant Neeraj: "Deletion does not work; skips silently"

    Thanks Andrus,

    so the approach I would take now is NOT to have cayenne in any project-model

    Those deployment units should only have *.map.xml file and then all
    applications needing one or more of the data objects from those deployment
    units have a custom cayenne.xml.

    This would be awkward for the modeller if at all possible?

    The other scenario is of course for each top project to have copies of
    *.map.xml files of those deployment units holding data objects. This
    violates DRY principle which brings a maintenance responsibility for syncing
    mapping files across all projects.

    I can also imagine having one giant project-model with all the data objects
    defined in it for all the different databases in a company (across all
    company projects), but that doesn't seem very modular.

    Anyone with any good practice advice?


    2010/2/13 Andrus Adamchik <>

    > On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:57 PM, Borut Bolčina wrote:
    >> What is the easiest way of doing this? I was reading
    >>, but am I doing
    >> something wrong?
    > This page is a design document. Cayenne doesn't support merging multiple
    > projects out of the box, but hopefully will in 3.1. For now you'd have to
    > implement your own merging algorithm, that shouldn't be too hard for a
    > specific case.
    > On a side note, we need a distinct style for the wiki scratch pages, so
    > that they are not mistaken for the official documentation.
    > Andrus

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