Re: Primary Key Access and Exposed Primary Keys

From: Marcin Skladaniec (
Date: Tue May 04 2010 - 02:07:43 EDT

  • Next message: Andrew Lindesay: "Re: Primary Key Access and Exposed Primary Keys"

    Hi Andrew

    As far as I can tell exposing the PK does not stop cayenne from
    allocating them, but the trick might be the PK Generation strategy
    (defined in the DbEntity). We are using 'default' strategy, no problems
    at all.
    Also you can use SQLTemplate query when the PK column was not exposed,
    just keep the same PK column name for all tables, then use this name
    instead of XYZDataObject.MY_PK_COLUMN_PROPERTY.
    Hope this helps

    On 4/05/10 8:55 AM, Andrew Lindesay wrote:
    > Hello;
    > There is probably a simple answer to this.
    > I am trying to use the following EJBQL to get the PK;
    > String queryS = "SELECT o."+XYZDataObject.ID_PROPERTY+" FROM "+XYZDataObject.class.getSimpleName()+" o WHERE o."+XYZDataObject.MODIFY_TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY+"> ?1";
    > From this I can make OID's and then allow a batch process to work through the OID's faulting them.
    > The problem is that by exposing the "ID_PROPERTY", Cayenne (as with EOF) appears to stop automatically creating primary keys from sequences.
    > My question is;
    > * is there a means by which I can allow Cayenne to continue to allocate primary keys despite exposing the key?
    > * is there a means by which I can get the key without exposing it in the object model?
    > Thanks for any help.
    > cheers.
    > ___
    > Andrew Lindesay

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