Consolidate query and object cache

From: Bob Schellink (
Date: Thu Jun 10 2010 - 04:39:40 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Consolidate query and object cache"

    Hi all,

    In the cache docs[1] it mentions there are plans to consolidate the query and object caches at some
    stage. If that happens, would cache groups still be necessary?

    While I find cache groups flexible, it requires quite a bit of planning and manual configuration to
    implement successfully. The problem is further compounded by the different caches - local vs shared
    and object vs query. We've been bitten a number of times where the query cache isn't cleared when
    updating objects.

    Is my assumption correct that if object and query cache is consolidated, Cayenne would be able to
    automatically clear the query cache if an object has changed?

    Kind regards



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