Re: Consolidate query and object cache

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Jun 10 2010 - 06:25:37 UTC

  • Next message: Bob Schellink: "Re: Consolidate query and object cache"

    I would imagine cache groups will still be in the picture. I can't
    think of a scaleable cache management API without them. And yes, they
    do require planning in advanced cases.

    I am personally using distributed invalidation of cache groups when
    certain objects are changed. This allows to create custom business
    rules for partial and targeted cache invalidation with almost no
    performance overhead (e.g. if (object.createdDate < X) { expire
    "old_cache_for_entity_x_group" } else { expire
    "new_cache_for_entity_x_group" }. Pretty flexible, but does require
    upfront planning.

    I am still unsure how to reconcile object and query cache at this
    point. My current direction with that is to place both object and
    query cache under the same cache storage and management mechanism. But
    I can't see how we can do automatic invalidation of the right query
    cache groups efficiently, as any given object change may result in
    object removal from some lists (when its properties no longer match
    list fetch conditions) or addition to some others, etc., etc. In fact
    cache groups mechanism was the answer to the inability to predict how
    an arbitrary object change affects the cache.

    If there are better ideas, I'll be happy to hear them.


    On Jun 9, 2010, at 9:39 PM, Bob Schellink wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > In the cache docs[1] it mentions there are plans to consolidate the
    > query and object caches at some
    > stage. If that happens, would cache groups still be necessary?
    > While I find cache groups flexible, it requires quite a bit of
    > planning and manual configuration to
    > implement successfully. The problem is further compounded by the
    > different caches - local vs shared
    > and object vs query. We've been bitten a number of times where the
    > query cache isn't cleared when
    > updating objects.
    > Is my assumption correct that if object and query cache is
    > consolidated, Cayenne would be able to
    > automatically clear the query cache if an object has changed?
    > Kind regards
    > Bob
    > [1]:

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