Commit performance degradation

Date: Wed Jul 14 2010 - 11:15:32 UTC

  • Next message: "Re: Commit performance degradation"


    While developing an application using Cayenne I noticed that the
    performance of DataContext.commitChanges() degrades with the number of
    commits done.

    To be more specific, I have a model with two entities: Result and
    ResultStream, with a many to one relation from Result to ResultStream.

    The test I do is simple: I generate a lot of Result objects, all linked to
    the same ResultStream and I call commit after each Result added to the
    DataContext and measure the time it takes to perform the commit. I notice
    that this time grows fairly linear. Of course, the growth is noticeably
    after generating many results.

    Attached is the test source.

    If I don't make the link between result and resultStream, the performance
    is not degrading

    Could you please help me with some advice?
    Is this a known issue, can it be fixed by tweaking cayenne?

    Many thanks,

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