Entity Attribute Value model with Cayenne?

From: Adrian Wiesmann (awiesman..omap.org)
Date: Mon Aug 23 2010 - 14:21:57 UTC

  • Next message: Robert Zeigler: "Re: Entity Attribute Value model with Cayenne?"

    Hi there

    Has anybody ever tried to implement the Entity Attribute Value (EAV)
    model [1] with the help of Cayenne.

    Or do you have another idea how to model fully typified additional
    fields to existing tables so that administrators can enhance their

    The idea behind this is that some companies have - as example -
    different needs to describe their records or to group their assets. Now
    we could go the simple way and just add a few (varchar) fields in the
    table here and there. But these additional fields would neither be
    typified nor would they have sounding names but something like field1,
    field2. Chaos guaranteed :)

    Now I am looking for a way to allow an administrator to define which
    table may have what additional fields. He should be required to define
    the type, length.. of these additional fields. EAV sounds like the way
    to go, but I am not sure about extending Cayenne for this.

    Thanks for your input.


    [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entity-attribute-value_model

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