Re: Escaping of characters in like/likeIgnoreCase expressions

From: Victor Antonovich (
Date: Wed Aug 25 2010 - 13:50:42 UTC

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Antwort: INSERT with raw_sql_query returns error"


    25.08.2010 17:21, Michael Gentry wrote:

    > Hi Victor,
    > What does your Expression.fromString() look like?
    > If I recall correctly, a % or _ in the substitution map will
    > automatically be escaped for you, but the actual fromString("...")
    > part will not.
    > mrg

    Thank you for the reply. Actually string expression for passing to
    Expression.fromString() is composed from LDAP-like query by ANTLR
    generated parser. For example, LDAP expression "(someProperty=a*b*c)"
    will be transformed into Cayenne query "(someProperty like a%b%c)", but
    what is Cayenne representation of LDAP expression like


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