Re: Expression.filter and UUIDs

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Sep 27 2010 - 10:53:07 UTC

  • Next message: Adrian Wiesmann: "Re: Expression.filter and UUIDs"

    There's no parsable notation for UUID. So you can either use API to assemble expressions, or use a parameter bound via API at a later time:

       propertyXY = $x

    Or we can work together on supporting constructors in Expressions, similar to how JPQL does:

       propertyXY = new java.util.UUID(1, 2)


    On Sep 27, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Adrian Wiesmann wrote:

    > Hello all
    > We are working with Expression.fromString() where we have something like
    > this:
    > 'propertyXY = "b1db2da8-9630-4d55-a1bb-10f26dd085bb"'
    > Unfortunately this does not work since the getter on the DataObject
    > returns a UUID while the Expression recognises the UUID as a string.
    > Comparing a UUID with a string does not work (well it does, but the result
    > is not as wanted :) )
    > So here is my question. How can we solve this problem? Are we the only
    > ones encountering that problem?
    > Thanks for your help,
    > Adrian

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