Groovy + Cayenne (Dynamic Loading of Mapping Files)

From: caden whitaker (
Date: Wed Oct 20 2010 - 18:43:34 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Groovy + Cayenne (Dynamic Loading of Mapping Files)"

    So I've been sending out the same question all over the internets, hopefully
    those of you that have seen my question are not entirely sick of me by now.
    Here's my conundrum:

    I'd like to have my groovy files be compiled on the fly and then sent to the
    ORM, the ORM would then compile and do all the necessary database work. This
    sounds like a no-go in Hibernate. Here is a thread related specificly to
    hibernate, with a good example of what it would look like:

    Using Cayenne, could I have my groovy files compile, then feed their
    structrual data (somehow) to Cayenne, then have Cayenne initialize, then if
    I change a groovy file I could tell the whole process to start over? Is
    dynamic loading/reloading supported in Cayenne? is there a good example in
    java code on how this might work?

    Any help would be really appreciated. My head hurts from the constant

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