pre-remove, post-remove

From: Bruno René Santos (
Date: Tue Nov 02 2010 - 00:10:44 UTC

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    Hello all,

    I am having a possibly strange behaviour on my lifecycle callbacks. Imagine de
    following scenario:

    1 textfield and 1 table on a web application. I fill table with query results
    depending on the textfield value. Each time i get a valueChange event on the
    textField I remove all lines from table and create new ones. As each line is a
    cayennedataobject, each time I do this procedure I call deleteObject for each
    old line that was removed when new lines are created. In the end I commitChanges
    and only the last lines are saved in relation with the superclass.

    The problem here is the following. For each erased line cayenne call the
    preremove callback where I create a log for the table removal, in pending state.
    The state of the object is modified (this is the first weird thing, shouldn’t be
    new?) after the preRemove callback the desired process is done but Cayenne never
    calls the postRemove callback on this situation, for other regular deletes
    everything works.

    Anybody recalls a situation where the preXX callback is called but not the

    Bruno Santos

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