DataMap.loadDataMap existing ObjectContext?

From: caden whitaker (
Date: Tue Nov 02 2010 - 13:59:10 UTC

  • Next message: Bruno René Santos: "querying with arrays"

    Hey all,

    I'm still on my quest to get this stuff loaded dynamically. Here's what I'm
    doing now, first I gutted the map xml file so that it looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <data-map xmlns=""
        <property name="defaultPackage" value="org.example.cayenne.persistent"/>


    Built a new Map xml file that had all of the real class associations and put
    it someplace else, that file looks like this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <data-map xmlns=""
        <property name="defaultPackage" value="org.example.cayenne.persistent"/>
        <db-entity name="ARTIST">
            <db-attribute name="ArtistID" type="BIGINT" isPrimaryKey="true"
            <db-attribute name="Name" type="VARCHAR" length="255"/>
        <obj-relationship name="artist" source="Painting" target="Artist"
    deleteRule="Nullify" db-relationship-path="artist"/>

    All I want to do is load in this OTHER xml file, right now I'm getting
    "Class is not mapped with Cayenne:" which is because it has not
    loaded my other xml file. Here is what I'm doing:

                ObjectContext context = DataContext.createDataContext();

                MapLoader ml = new MapLoader();

                DataMap dataMap = ml.loadDataMap(new InputSource(new

                //This will bomb because I havent DONE anything with the datamap

                Artist picasso = context.newObject(Artist.class);

    So what do I do with that DataMap to get it loaded into the context? I've
    been looking but I Don't see the method call I need to make to push that
    DataMap anywhere. Note the other files (cayenne.xml,
    TestProjectNode.driver.xml) remain unchanged.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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