Re: cayenne-cvs vs. eclipse

From: Andrus (
Date: Mon Sep 02 2002 - 16:30:26 EDT

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: cayenne-cvs vs. eclipse"

    At 10:02 PM 9/2/2002 +0200, Holger Hoffstätte wrote:

    >So I'm trying to get to grips with the repository and source tree.
    >Checkout from SF and running ant to build into /dist/ worked fine. Are
    >there specific reasons why the whole tree is not set up as 'Java project'
    >and hence visible in the Package explorer? I realize the need for ant
    >(dist builds etc) but how do you edit source or run individual tests?
    >I tried to set up a peer project but eclipse won't let me poke around in
    >other workspace projects..

    Umm, Eclipse integration is a grey area and I welcome suggestions on that.
    This structure was created before we started looking at Eclipse (I used
    NetBeans that sucks big time).

    For myself I setup an Eclipse Java project, pointing to "cayenne" folder as
    the project tree top. I let eclipse discover source folders : cayenne/src,
    cayenne/tests and (optionally) cayenne/performance, and then manually add
    all JAR's in cayenne/otherlib in the Libraries tab. So editing the source
    is not a problem.

    After that I build and run tests from command line.

    # ant
    # $CAYENNE_HOME/bin/

    ($CAYENNE_HOME is set to dist)

    Right now the test script runs all tests at once. I had some ugly
    property-based implementation to run single test cases, but it is no good

    One of the reasons for command line unit tests was the need to switch
    databases via a login panel. I guess if we just dump the shell script and
    use some local configuration file, the whole JUnit structure can be
    simplified ( can be removed for instance). We can use JUnit
    ant task that I like a lot, and make it simple to run individual tests.


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