Andrus wrote:
> Umm, Eclipse integration is a grey area and I welcome suggestions on that.
Sorry for stepping into the poo :-)
> This structure was created before we started looking at Eclipse (I used
> NetBeans that sucks big time).
> For myself I setup an Eclipse Java project, pointing to "cayenne" folder as
> the project tree top. I let eclipse discover source folders : cayenne/src,
This only works if the cayenne tree is not in the workspace; otherwise you
can't point the src folder outside the Java project. Makes sense, even
though it doesn't help us. However when the tree is outside the workspace
this approach works, kind of. I'll try to come up with better setup
tomorrow, as far as I can tell a little rearranging of the tree could just
make things work out for both ant and eclipse.
> After that I build and run tests from command line.
eeww! sllooww..first thing I did on my lowly 266 MHz machine was setting
jikes in the root build.xml:
<property name="build.compiler" value="jikes" />
No reason to waste time.
> Right now the test script runs all tests at once. I had some ugly
> property-based implementation to run single test cases, but it is no good
> anyway.
yes, I understand..testing stuff that requires a DB is hard. There's
DBunit ( which a colleague recommends; might be
worth checking out. Maybe I can even get him to join the project and
contribute his EOF testing suite, the name should ring a bell..
Btw, I also just found AntView, a nice chooser for tasks:
more tomorrow!
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