Re: cayenne-cvs vs. eclipse

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Sep 03 2002 - 13:46:55 EDT

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: cayenne-cvs vs. eclipse"

    Holger Hoffstätte writes:

    >> After that I build and run tests from command line.
    > eeww! sllooww..first thing I did on my lowly 266 MHz machine was setting
    > jikes in the root build.xml:
    > <property name="build.compiler" value="jikes" />

    I am using jiles too. There is a simple way to switch to jikes that does not
    require changing master build.xml.

    echo "build.compiler = jikes" > $HOME/ is imported by all ant files.

    > No reason to waste time.

    > yes, I understand..testing stuff that requires a DB is hard. There's
    > DBunit ( which a colleague recommends; might be
    > worth checking out. Maybe I can even get him to join the project and
    > contribute his EOF testing suite, the name should ring a bell..

    Umm.. this sounds cool. Also i like a qoute from the project description:

    "The DbUnit Database Testing Framework is a JUnit extension which sets up
    your database in a known state before executing your tests."

    This would allow to finally organize the test suite into something


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