Re: OperationSorter.sortQueries(Object[]) obsolete?

From: Craig Miskell (
Date: Wed Nov 27 2002 - 18:59:20 EST

  • Next message: Holger Hoffst�tte: "Survey: usage scenarios/performance/mile stone wishlist"

    On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 12:54, Holger Hoffst�tte wrote:
    > Craig Miskell wrote:
    > > It wasn't used before I started my playing around in that code, but I
    > > assumed it was intended as public API (although that does seem a little
    > > odd really....who would be using it????)
    > So I vote for the bucket. We really should not be afraid of throwing stuff
    > out while we still can.
    +1. Will do it shortly


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