Survey: usage scenarios/performance/mile stone wishlist

From: Holger Hoffst�tte (
Date: Wed Nov 27 2002 - 19:14:34 EST

  • Next message: Holger Hoffst�tte: "Re: Relationships between different DataContexts"


    well it's not really a survey but I'd like to get a quick overview about

    - who's using Cayenne at this point (all you EOF lurkers can come out

    - for what kind of application?

    - how big are your applications: users, server(s), number of ObjEntities..

    - how do you find Cayenne in terms of
      - usability: does it follow the 'principle of least surprise'?
      - correctness: does it work according to the documentation?
      - reliability: does it throw up in unexpected places or under load?
      - performance: fast enough? does it degrade gracefully?
      - memory usage: does it have leaks? or just a large footprint?

    - personal wishlist for the milestone 1.0 release

    If we can get some user stories, use cases or just 'stuff that sucks'
    opinions we can get some of these things fixed for 1.0. Good thing we
    haven't set a milestone date yet.. :-)


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