Re: Object Graph Refreshing: design ideas?

From: Andriy Shapochka (
Date: Mon Dec 22 2003 - 06:37:18 EST

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Andrus Adamchik" <>
    To: "Cayenne Devel" <>
    Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 6:48 AM
    Subject: Object Graph Refreshing: design ideas?

    > 2. Track individual relationship modifications:
    > This is a more subtle approach. Instead of invalidating the whole trees
    > of objects, we can pinpoint a place where an object was removed or
    > added and act accordingly.
    > This is the choices that I see... Ideas? Comments?
    > Andrus

    What would you say about passing the info "those and those *DbRelationships*
    changed." First, all our ObjRelationships are always based on
    DbRelationships. Second, if a data row for a given DbEntity gets modified
    (deleted) we should always be able to track which DbRelationships get
    affected by this modification, just like any relational database engine can
    instantly recognaze an FK->PK relationship is modified when a participating
    table is edited. Thus, we can transfer the information what DbRelationships
    are participating in the change happening to the DataRowStore in question.
    This means we do not have to share any "Object-Relationship-Oriented"
    knowledge with the DataRowStore firing this event. The listeners located in
    the other VM's receive the event and look for the recorded in it
    DbRelationship changes. What they do next, they find all the
    ObjRelationships based on those DbRelationships and do something to them,
    which may be coarse-grained relationship invalidation or fine-grained per
    participating data object modification.

    This is, of course, just a general idea, good, if it helps. For my part, I
    am not very happy with 1. "Kill Them All, Let God Sort Them Out", since it
    often subjects to cause huge collateral damage.


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