M4 milestone release is available at http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/ .
This release fixes serious expressions bugs reported in M3, but to keep
things exciting there is a few new features:
1. To-many lazy resolution.
Consider this code: "painting.setToArtist(artist)". Since Artist has a
reverse relationship to Painting, this line of code will add artist to
a painting, but also painting to artist's list of paintings. The second
part used to trigger a fetch of *all* paintings of a given artist.
Imagine if this wasn't a schema for art catalog, but something like
"bank -> accounts". Adding a single new account would result in a
massive fetch of hundreds of thousands of accounts. Not anymore.
Cayenne will track all relationship additions/removals without
triggering a fetch. Only explicit calls like
"artist.getPaintingsArray().size()" or
"artist.getPaintingsArray().iterator()" would trigger a fetch.
2. To-one relationships are now allowed to point to non-PK columns
This has been requested (expected to be there ;-)) by more than a few
users. This has been tested in a situation of one-to-one between a PK
and a non-PK columns of two tables.
3. "build.xml" is removed from distro.
This may cause some complaints, but we decided that it is too much
trouble to maintain two independent build systems -one for developers,
and one - for users. Shipped "build.xml" was broken most of the time
anyway, and in 1.1 with all the new dependencies, it becomes completely
impractical to support it. If you want to build Cayenne to include your
changes, use anonymous CVS. This is described in the new User Guide,
section 2.4. As an added benefit, CVS local copy makes it incomparably
easier to create patches.
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