Re: classgen/ant questions

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu May 12 2005 - 16:45:34 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: cayenne/src/regression/java/org/objectstyle/cayenne/regression,NONE,1.1"

    Erik Hatcher <> wrote:
    > > Yeah, it's easy to add in, which is why I don't mind doing it. :)
    > >
    > > #if ($footerAvailable)
    > > #parse ($footer)
    > > #endif
    > Why bother with the #if? You could have built-in header and footer
    > templates coming from a classpath loader with the filesystem loader
    > ahead.

    Because then it's no longer easy. :) The first one only requires 3 lines of
    The second requires all sorts of thinking and planning and work :)

    More seriously, it's not really something I have an "itch to scratch" right
    now, and it's not clear off the top of my head what all would need to be
    done to make it work. I'd rather provide some basic functionality now and
    provide a framework for improving it since setting up the basics is easy.
    Then if someone (myself included) wants to add more to it later, they can
    provide a patch to do it.

    I'm doing this classgen work so it'll make my paid work more maintainable.
    The downside is that it's taken me longer than expected to get the
    regression testing set up (3 days due to some false starts), and I'm running
    out of available "free time" hours to do more work on cgen right now.

    I'd rather spend the time figuring out how to add toolbox integration a la
    VPP since there's no easy workaround for this missing functionality.


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