Re: cayenne/src/regression/java/org/objectstyle/cayenne/regression,NONE,1.1

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu May 12 2005 - 16:59:53 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "namespace for new templates"

    Erik Hatcher <> wrote:
    > Why does your task use filesets when the purpose is to compare dir1
    > and dir2? You could internally create a Fileset if that makes
    > walking a directory more convenient, but I'm not seeing what benefit
    > allowing <fileset> under this task provides.

    I started off comparing existing generated classes with my newly-generated
    classes, and some of those classes couldn't be compared because they were
    "touched up" (cayenne license info was added to them). They needed to be

    I eventually decided it made more sense to generate my own baseline
    comparisions (if for no other reason than we don't have any good
    single-class baselines).

    I left it in because it adds a lot of flexiblity at almost no usage cost. I
    suspect I'll make use of the task to do other things down the road.
    Ideally, I'd add in a default Fileset value of "**" to reduce the usage cost
    of the flexiblity to nil.

    So my self-justifying answer is that it's not a task for comparing
    directories. It's a task for comparing arbitrary filesets :)


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