Cayenne 1.2 + PostgreSQL

From: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\) ("Gentry,)
Date: Tue Sep 06 2005 - 10:39:54 EDT

  • Next message: Gili: "Re: Idea for index/limit support"

    I've been flopping between 1.1 and 1.2 and when I tried running one of
    my demo apps, written using 1.1, under 1.2 with PostgreSQL it completely
    bombed. I couldn't do INSERTs at all because it kept doing a SELECT
    nextval('pk_table') to try to get primary keys. Well, being a 1.1
    application, I didn't have sequences in my database, I had the
    auto_pk_support table for primary keys.

    Does this mean if someone has something written in 1.1/PostgreSQL and
    then tries to use 1.2, they have migration problems?



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