Re: failure notice

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Oct 07 2005 - 22:46:18 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Synch objEntity and dbEntity"

    > Clearly once you start phasing out external implementations in
    > favor of internal ones, you increase the workload all around.

    On the other end of the spectrum you have a 200K library and we are
    only using 2 classes out of it (BeanUtils).

    This is not about IBM JVM, this is about factoring out anything that
    smells like garbage from the framework. I don't want to do things
    that don't make sense or create extra work. It is just that
    "pragmatic" in our case should also mean "conservative" when adding
    new dependencies.

    > Taking JDOM as an example . . . presumably the years of development
    > that went into that are going to be more efficient than something
    > that I spend some free time on.

    Here comes the beauty of BSD license and copy/paste. BTW, just
    recently I had to rewrite a half-way done JDOM app to stick with DOM
    (the motivation was performance - I had to provide a downstream piece
    of code with a DOM tree, so it didn't make sense to keep JDOM
    around). It was trivial, took maybe an hour. JDOM is more Java
    friendly than DOM, but it is basically the same exact thing.

    I already said - if this is easy, let's do it. If not, JDOM is
    fine... Refactoring back to the older version of JDOM seems like a
    waste though.

    > Actually, come to think of it, I'm not even sure what the goals of
    > 1.2 were. I like what I'm seeing for sure, but I'm not sure what
    > the destination is.

    That's what we have - sorry, I am not a blogger-type...:-)


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