Re: Cleaning up the code [Was: Re: Cayenne/Windows developer help]

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2006 - 07:25:43 EST

  • Next message: Todd O'Bryan: "Re: Cleaning up the code [Was: Re: Cayenne/Windows developer help]"

    On 3/3/06 2:18 AM, "Andrus Adamchik" <> wrote:

    > For instance I'd code Kevin's example like this:
    > return (whatever) ? something : anotherthing;

    And in fact, you have with the XML stuff ;-) I really don't mind if we're
    matching a particular style, I just wanted to be 100% on what that style is.
    For things like these items, the Eclipse formatter isn't very helpful. It's
    great for parentheses, new lines, and curly brace positioning, for example,
    but I've never found a way to agree on things like this.

    > But this doesn't mean that we need to follow one or the other style
    > religiously. I don't care, as long as the code works. I am neutral in
    > regards to the checkstyle addition to the build script. I am just
    > afraid that we'll get bogged down in the discussion of what the right
    > style is and never accomplish anything of value.

    That's a fair assessment. I brought this one up because I have
    "unnecessary" else statements set to give a warning -- but that's a personal
    preference, based on my previous rationale.

    My primary concern is that with too many hands touching the code, each free
    to do what it wants, that the code will become an eye sore. If the standard
    is to just match the existing code, that's easy enough to do. Although,
    it'd be nice to use checkstyle or something to keep everyone honest.

    Oh well, much bigger fish to fry than this.


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