From the purely practical standpoint, when 1.2 goes final, I wonder
if we should keep the maintenance branch on SourceForge. This way
we'll have a clean cutoff point.
I think releasing org.objectstyle.cayenne.* stuff from Apache is
confusing (if not legally wrong). I know other incubating projects
are doing that (roller), but at some point we will graduate from the
Incubator... and will still want to maintain 1.2.x branch at that time.
So once we get setup..pache, I suggest to initially only migrate the
new stuff (i.e. JPA), and move the core framework when we are ready
to change the package names.
Does it make sense? I think we are pretty close to the 1.2 RC when
the total code freeze starts, and then we can actually branch it out.
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