Migration is successfully completed. Check ins can resume to the new
location at https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/cayenne/main/
On May 6, 2006, at 4:12 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> I am migrating CVS now. Do not check in code until further notice.
> As the CVS tarball from SF is old, I'll do a local merge of the
> HEAD code into it. The worst scenario - we'll loose the last Beta
> tag - no big deal. I recently did this operation with WOProject CVS
> - it worked pretty well.
> Andrus
> On May 5, 2006, at 1:47 PM, Cris Daniluk wrote:
>> My favorite part of SVN is the fact that the repository can easily
>> evolve... directories are not only movable, but revision history is
>> preserved. We can just branch when we're ready and change like crazy.
>> I'm definitely +1
>> On 5/5/06, Andrus Adamchik <andru..bjectstyle.org> wrote:
>>> Anonymous CVS..F has been down since March. A number of users have
>>> been complaining that they can't create patches or test their custom
>>> changes because of that. The situation is not critical, but still
>>> rather annoying.
>>> I am thinking maybe we should change our earlier decision to keep
>>> 1.2
>>> on SF and move it to Apache SVN now (but of course still keep doing
>>> releases from SF with the current package naming)?
>>> Andrus
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