Re: Proposal for the project "Support for full text search in Cayenne"

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon May 08 2006 - 11:59:48 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Jucius: "Re: Proposal for the project "Support for full text search in Cayenne""

    Hi Tomas,

    I suggest that we move this discussion to the dev list (actually you
    being a Cayenne user and participating in the community is a positive
    thing for the proposal).

    Regarding the design ... I haven't done enough research myself to be
    fully confident in the design choices. Originally I thought to simply
    build a facade to the existing DB full text search capabilities. Most
    DB's have them ... but many do not, so there has to be some Lucene-
    based least common denominator approach. Folks from the Lucene
    community however recommended to look at Compass framework [2]. So
    another approach may be building a plugin for Compass. Compass looks
    promising, but also pretty complex from the first glance.

    I suggest that you'll do some research along these lines and come up
    with the deliverables based on your conclusions.



    On May 8, 2006, at 6:54 AM, Tomas Jucius wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I have made proposal for the project "Support for full text search
    > in Cayenne" in Apache wiki. I would be pleased if you could look at
    > it and pass a remark. I want to define well all deliverables, which
    > could be sponsored.
    > With best regards,
    > Tomas Jucius

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