> > Please reconfigure the GMane account to handle correctly the
> > cayenne mailing lists again.
> > After the move the Apache, this is no more working in 2 directions
> > as before (only in one
> > direction: from apache to gmane).
> >
> > Posting from Gmane now returns an error brom the objectstyle
> > mailing server.
> AFAIK anyone can step in and do that - no special permissions are
> required. You can spend a few minutes and contact Gmane to remove the
> old lists and add the new ones.
AFAIK I can't do that for the user list:
- I tried, but the "address" (aka list email) field is not editable, only the rest of the
information (but that information is not responsible for the processing of the emails)
- for the DEV list, only the "alias" field was editable, and I did it, but so far received no
feedback from Gmane (maybe because I'm not the list owner/admin). Also the "address" field was not
editable, so I suppose the "alias" won't do too much.
AFAIK for all the projects, for smooth and simple work at gmane, the admin/owner of the list is
required to do (reuqest) the things, cause otherwise, spammers could reroute the lists.
Thanks in advance,
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