Re: What next?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed May 24 2006 - 13:56:22 EDT

  • Next message: Garrett Rooney: "Re: What next?"

    We have one proposal (cayenne-ropwsdl) where this totally makes sense
    - the module being developed will be a part of Cayenne core and we
    can't give the student access to the main repo.

    The other two are standalone applications that use Cayenne as a
    library. So the patch would simply include all files and won't have
    any diffs of the existing files. That'll work too of course, still I
    would also want a student to use some kind of code repository
    (SourceForge, Apache sandbox, ObjectStyle) to keep the intermediate
    work, instead of synching patches to the repo every day or him/her
    doing the work locally for extended periods of time.

    So how about a combination approach:

    1. Setup an outside repo where a student can commit, and everybody
    else can browse the code
    2. A student would submit the 'milestone' patches via Jira (generated
    from the external repo)
    3. A mentor would review them and commit to the Apache repo

    This way we are not taking any shortcuts and reduce the burden on
    mentors and students.


    On May 24, 2006, at 1:28 PM, Jean T. Anderson wrote:

    > Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> That's what I was wondering too. In our case the projects are
    >> isolated
    >> from the rest of the code, so sandbox would be a preferred approach.
    >> Cayenne project committers do not have the infrastructure karma,
    >> so we
    >> will have to bother somebody else to set this up.
    >> Alternatively I can setup an SVN sandbox on (and
    >> I can
    >> manage sandboxes for all other willing SoC apache projects as
    >> well) ...
    >> not sure if that's a bad idea from Cayenne incubating perspective
    >> (as
    >> we are moving the infrastructure from ObjectStyle to Apache), but it
    >> makes sense from practical standpoint and takes some load from
    >> the Infra.
    >> Any comments on that?
    > Rather than host something outside Apache, I would rather see students
    > submit patches to Apache Jira issues. --It's good experience for how
    > many Apache projects incorporate contributions.
    > -jean

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