I still think this particular case (which is not a private wiki used
for design, development or community discussion) to be a non-issue,
but others overwhelmingly think I am wrong, so instead of setting Jim
with access, I'll just post the contents here. Andrus
It's been a long road and lots of things happened along the way. An
increase in the minor release number (1.2 from 1.1) only reflects the
fact that upgrading is almost as simple as drag-and-drop replacement
of the jars. The users will find lots of new stuff that (mentioned in
more detail in the docs). I'll just go over a few important things here.
h3. Apache
A few months ago Cayenne has left its home at ObjectStyle.org and
moved to Apache Software Foundation incubator, with the goal of
expanding its community and becoming an Apache project. It was
decided to make 1.2 release from ObjectStyle to give our users the
time to plan the upgrade to the API that will have "org.objectstyle"
replaced with "org.apache". This also means that 1.2 release is not
endorsed by the Apache Software Foundation.
h3. Remote Object Persistence
[This feature|CAYDOC:Remote Object Persistence Introduction] turns
Cayenne into a unique data service that can be accessed by remote
applications. Currently this is just for Java applications (so it is
often used with Swing or SWT "rich" clients), but we are
contemplating clients in other languages. This is a pretty unique
feature that sets Cayenne apart from the competition.
h3. Modeler and Tools
It went from this:
to this:
And it is not just the face lift. The Modeler is faster. The Modeler
ships with native launchers for Windows and Mac. Attribute and
relationship buttons are in the right place. There is a way to
synchronize your classes with your tables. Modeler can emulate JNDI
environment for the local standalone Cayenne applications, and much
"cgen" ant tasks got on some serious steroids. Check it out - now you
can use Cayenne mapping to generate not just persistent objects, but
supporting UI classes and such. It is much more flexible now.
h3. More Databases and Features Are Supported
1.2 adds new adapters for Derby, FrontBase and Ingres. Moreover the
right adapter is now guessed at runtime, so there is no need to
configure it manually, unless you customized it. 1.2 also adds
support for auto-generated columns (this feature is actually still
pretty raw in many JDBC drivers).
h3. Persistence Stack
Persistence stack is much more flexible. It now supports nested
DataContexts, distribution across remote tiers (already mentioned
above), custom queries (you can write your own query class if you
want to do something special at the JDBC level, or simply want to
resolve it to a bunch of standard queries at the right moment).
h3. What's Next
The immediate next step is to mirror the 1.2 release, only with
Apache package naming, and make it available to the public to
simplify migration. This would be a 2.0 release.
Then the new release (3.0) work starts. Our future goals are the
* Make Cayenne a spec-compliant JPA provider, in addition to what it
does already.
* Switch CayenneModeler to use plugin architecture, so that users
could write extensions.
* Expand remote object persistence technology to include XML
transports and clients in other languages.
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