On Jul 27, 2006, at 10:14 AM, Bill Dudney wrote:
> I tend to lean towards OSGi because its standard and will afford us
> the opportunity to replace the impl with a different impl if
> needed. Also we can use plugins that are not intended for our stuff
> in our stuff if we have OSGi. I'm sure its not as easy as grabbing
> the jar but it would be cool to be able to integrate some of the
> eclipse plugins (GEF, GEM etc).
Interoperability is certainly an important consideration. In the past
I found it the hard way :-)
So I have a few questions as I am fully ignorant of OSGI:
1. Is Eclipse OSGi-compatible now, or is this just a future goal? For
instance does it mean that if we write an OSGi Modeler plugin, can we
deploy it in Eclipse, even if it is a separate Swing frame?
2. What are the core differences between OSGI and Platonos (and
corollary to that - is it possible to make Platonos a tight subset of
OSGi, or are they totally incompatible).
Pardon if those look like stupid questions to a more informed person.
I am trying to see if we can get the best of both worlds - a small
plugin runtime and a possibility of extension.
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