> Interoperability is certainly an important consideration. In the past I
> found it the hard way :-)
IMHO for Cayenne Modeler this is not relevant.
IMHO one should really define the goals for Cayenne Modeler, in order not
to invest too much work in something that maybe brings nothing new to the user.
IMHO the modeler does well what it does now, and it needs some improvements. If these
improvements are in the form of so called "plug-ins", than let it be. For a user however
this is totally unimportant.
> So I have a few questions as I am fully ignorant of OSGI:
> 1. Is Eclipse OSGi-compatible now, or is this just a future goal? For
> instance does it mean that if we write an OSGi Modeler plugin, can we
> deploy it in Eclipse, even if it is a separate Swing frame?
I'm no OSGi expert, but done some Eclipse plug-ins in the past.
If CM would use OSGi, even if it would run as a plug-in in Eclipse, would be no
advantage IMHO. The value of Eclipse as a development platform is in it's API (used API), not in the
fact that programs are plug-ins.
Just for this goal (running as an Eclipse plug-in, but no API usage), there's no need to use
OSGi, as there are tone of (Eclipse) wizards, that make from any application (Swing too),
a so called "plug-in".
> 2. What are the core differences between OSGI and Platonos (and
> corollary to that - is it possible to make Platonos a tight subset of
> OSGi, or are they totally incompatible).
> Pardon if those look like stupid questions to a more informed person. I
> am trying to see if we can get the best of both worlds - a small plugin
> runtime and a possibility of extension.
IMHO there are no synergies, and these things bring nothing but more work, and ZERO new features to
the users.
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