Jean T. Anderson wrote:
> Michael Gentry wrote:
> ...
>>Mike K. did raise an interesting point about if Cayenne Modeler starts
>>using Derby instead of HSQL, what does that mean for us? Would we
>>only need the BIS/etc if we run the preferences DB with encryption (I
>>can't imagine we would -- no reason to)?
> And the word from legal-discuss [1] is any project that includes derby
> (or any other Apache product listed at
>, must also do the BIS
> notification.
and if you only use Derby and don't include source or jars, no
notification is needed:
> It doesn't matter if you don't use derby's encryption capability -- the
> capability is still there in the derby jar Cayenne includes.
> fortunately doing the BIS notification itself turns out to actually be
> straight forward -- imho the hard part has been to understand if you
> need to do it or not. The steps to follow are outlined at
> -jean
> [1]
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