Re: podling BIS notifications (jars in svn & crypto)

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Tue Feb 27 2007 - 08:57:27 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: podling BIS notifications (jars in svn & crypto)"

    To re-hash -- but not ROT-13 :-) -- this subject again, did someone
    send anything to the legal mailing list? If not, I can subscribe, and
    send the question, along with a link to this thread.

    I did see that Jean said if we switch CM to use Derby instead of HSQL,
    we'll need the BIS, which is kind of interesting, too.

    Maybe when I'm too brain-dead at work today I can get something done
    here. (When having to do 20 pages of documentation for a 1 line
    configuration file change, my brain tends to want to go elsewhere...)



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