Re: podling BIS notifications (jars in svn & crypto)

From: Jean T. Anderson (
Date: Tue Feb 27 2007 - 10:12:09 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: podling BIS notifications (jars in svn & crypto)"

    Michael Gentry wrote:
    > To re-hash -- but not ROT-13 :-) -- this subject again, did someone
    > send anything to the legal mailing list? If not, I can subscribe, and
    > send the question, along with a link to this thread.
    > I did see that Jean said if we switch CM to use Derby instead of HSQL,
    > we'll need the BIS, which is kind of interesting, too.

    You only need to include derby in the bis notification if you commit
    derby source/jars to the svn repo or include derby source/jars in the
    release. If you just use derby -- instructing users to download and
    install it -- you don't need to include it in the bis notification.

    If you find that you need to include it in the bis notification, I'll be
    happy to help cayenne understand how to do that. It turns out to not be
    much of a big deal, just process to follow.


    > Maybe when I'm too brain-dead at work today I can get something done
    > here. (When having to do 20 pages of documentation for a 1 line
    > configuration file change, my brain tends to want to go elsewhere...)
    > Thanks,
    > /dev/mrg

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