Re: Some suggestions

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Thu Aug 28 2008 - 07:00:43 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Some suggestions"

    > Downloads are here:
    > but I couldn't
    > see a maven repository for it.

    As I said, project is only on JBoss repo [1].

    Also I agree with Ari about not having it as a runtime dependency, and
    > instead bundling it with the Modeler. There is a lot of value in the core
    > library to stay lean. Maybe we can access it with reflection from
    > DbGenerator to prevent a compile dependency?

    We're talking about DbLoader here. And of course we will not have
    any dependency from it, because usage of Inflectior is just an
    implementation of naming strategy interface. The question is about where to
    place this class - in core or in modeler. If we design everything for the
    modeler, then why DbLoader class itself is located in the core? Still, I
    agree that we can sacrifice this strategy to keep core library smaller and
    less dependent.
    So, I'm going to initiate uploading the library to main repo and include
    dependency to the modeler.


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