
From: Michael Gentry (mgentr..asslight.net)
Date: Mon Jun 15 2009 - 15:07:19 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: SQLResultSetMapping?"

    One of the guys here was trying to use SQLTemplate like stated at:


    When he tried to import SQLResultSetMapping, he'd get a class not
    found error. He changed his pom.xml to use M5 instead of M6 and it
    worked. Is this behavior expected in M6? In M5, he imports it as



    PS. I don't have access to the SVN commits from here at work, so I
    can't easily see when it vanished at the moment.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Mon Jun 15 2009 - 15:07:57 EDT