Re: Contributing, +1

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Mon Sep 14 2009 - 03:29:51 EDT

  • Next message: Evgeny Ryabitskiy: "Re: Contributing, +1"

    Hi Evgeny!

    Welcome! I'm from Russia, too :) Be assured that all your contributions will
    be reviewed in shortest time by Cayenne developers.
    I'll repeat Ari's words in some part, Cayenne 2 has proved its stability.
    There are no plans currently of publishing new version of Cayenne 2.0. We're
    going to release Cayenne 3.0. Migration should be mostly painless, but there
    are many useful improvings. So, it is desirable that all patches go against
    3.0 trunk.


    2009/9/14 Evgeny Ryabitskiy <>

    > Hello to everyone!
    > I would like to introduce myself to Cayenne Community. :)
    > My name is Evgeny, I am from Russia, I am 22.
    > Currently I am working as Java Developer on SOA project. We are
    > heavily using Cayenne 2.0 for mostly DB connection management and for
    > some mapping cases.
    > Also I have some experience in contributing for Apache, I was working
    > on Hadoop HBase. My diploma was about HBase.
    > So, mostly I am interested in evaluation of stability and performance
    > in Cayenne.
    > First thing that I am going to do is to publish patch for my CAY-1259 :)
    > I really wish it to be fixed, currently we have our own build
    > with that fix.. but it should be temp solution....
    > Best regards,
    > Evgeny Ryabitskiy.


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