Re: Contributing, +1

From: Evgeny Ryabitskiy (
Date: Mon Sep 14 2009 - 05:44:56 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: Junit sometimes failes"

    Thx for your amicability!
    Yes, I am going to look at moving to 3.0, but I think we will migrate
    not early then is will be released and even some time after.
    But of course, I am going to work on 3.0 improvement ;)

    Best regards,
    Evgeny Ryabitskiy.

    2009/9/14 Andrey Razumovsky <>:
    > Hi Evgeny!
    > Welcome! I'm from Russia, too :) Be assured that all your contributions will
    > be reviewed in shortest time by Cayenne developers.
    > I'll repeat Ari's words in some part, Cayenne 2 has proved its stability.
    > There are no plans currently of publishing new version of Cayenne 2.0. We're
    > going to release Cayenne 3.0. Migration should be mostly painless, but there
    > are many useful improvings. So, it is desirable that all patches go against
    > 3.0 trunk.
    > Cheers,
    > Andrey
    > 2009/9/14 Evgeny Ryabitskiy <>
    >> Hello to everyone!
    >> I would like to introduce myself to Cayenne Community. :)
    >> My name is Evgeny, I am from Russia, I am 22.
    >> Currently I am working as Java Developer on SOA project. We are
    >> heavily using Cayenne 2.0 for mostly DB connection management and for
    >> some mapping cases.
    >> Also I have some experience in contributing for Apache, I was working
    >> on Hadoop HBase. My diploma was about HBase.
    >> So, mostly I am interested in evaluation of stability and performance
    >> in Cayenne.
    >> First thing that I am going to do is to publish patch for my CAY-1259 :)
    >> I really wish it to be fixed, currently we have our own build
    >> with that fix.. but it should be temp solution....
    >> Best regards,
    >> Evgeny Ryabitskiy.
    > --

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