Re: Plans for the future (aka 3.1 roadmap)

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Nov 19 2009 - 04:35:36 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-1312) Allow lifecycle callbacks on ROP client"

    Actually with Hessian it may be only marginally larger with HashMap
    (IIRC how it does map serialization). With Java serialization it will
    be significantly larger, as it likely serializes all the hash bucket

    In any event, like I said in another thread, if we are to reconcile
    the object structures between ROP and regular Cayenne, I'd rather we
    move closer to POJO instead of away from it (with important exception
    being support for generic objects). POJO's take less memory, have no
    threading issues and are generally easier to understand by the users.


    On Nov 19, 2009, at 11:10 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    >> We wanted lighter POJO on the client.
    > Are you sure serialization speed/size for Hessian/java serialization
    > will be
    > better for class with 10 attributes than class with one HashMap
    > attribute,
    > *probably* containing those attributes? (and why?)

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