Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-1312) Allow lifecycle callbacks on ROP client

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Thu Nov 19 2009 - 04:50:50 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-1312) Allow lifecycle callbacks on ROP client"

    I'm not sure I understand. DI can help to set EntityListenerFactory but how
    would it help in this common case: to map listeners for usage on client?
    This should be done in modeler without any extra code and configuration

    2009/11/19 Andrus Adamchik <>

    > On Nov 19, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Andrey Razumovsky (JIRA) wrote:
    > On Nov 19, 2009, at 12:42 AM, Ari Maniatis (JIRA) wrote:
    >>> Just throwing this out as an idea: would users sometimes want to specify
    >>> particular clients? For instance, you might have a data processing node
    >>> which is different to a client GUI node or a (in the future) Cayenne aware
    >>> Ajax node.
    >>> If so, the schema would allow for this to be arbitrary text (not an
    >>> enumeration), but the modeler would by default give you three options (as
    >>> you specified) and maybe (later) a free entry text option.
    >> Makes sense, but generating LifecyleCallbackRegistry for client should be
    >> as simple as possible, i.e. without any extra parameters for connection.
    >> How then shall we decide what listeners are sent to ROP client? Comparing
    >> strings is not so safe as comparing enums. So I would suggest adding this
    >> logic to a listener itself, e.g. adding checkings for client "type" in
    >> callback method
    > I think this problem is more general than that, and it will be hard to
    > address it via the mapping.
    > I am often running in a situation with server-side objects that require
    > different sets of listeners in different applications using the same common
    > mapping. In fact in many cases the listener class is defined outside the jar
    > file containing the mapping, and is therefore available to some war's but
    > not others.
    > In 3.0 I am using EntityListenerFactory as a stop gap measure, but I want
    > something easier to use... Again I am hoping that DI approach would allow
    > for simple listener extensions.
    > But I am unsure that we need to further complicate the mapping, since it
    > makes it less reusable.
    > Andrus


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